Gallons Imperial Gallons Liters Minimum Reserve Capacity Rating Battery Rating Electric Start Models of 35 Minutes and Cold Crank~ng. SPECIFICATIONS Stroke 2.36 (60mm) NGK BUHW Recommended Spark Plug Champion L76V [Use Champ~on Interference (RFI) Suppression is Reauiredl Automotive Leaded Recommended Gasoline or Unleaded (Lead Free) Gasoline Quicksilver 2-Cycle Outboard Oil Fuel Tank Capacity: U.S.we cannot possibly know of and TABLE OF CONTENTS advise the boating public of ALL con- ceivable boat/motor types and/or poor It is difficult tor a person standing or float- operating practices, the final decision ing in the water to move clear if they see a of whether t o use an EMERGENCY powerboat heading toward them, even at STOP SWITCH rests w i t h you, the own.
And Maintenance Manual and thorough1 NOTICE Throughout this publication, and on your understand the operational instructions fa outboard, DANGER, WARNINGS and the outboard and all related accessorie CAUTIONS, accompanied by the inter- before the boat is used.